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Safe and secure?


The Sun newspaper reported that police were alerted after an unknown man, pretending to be a priest, spent the night with Royal Guardsman close to Windsor Castle.[i] It was described as a ‘an extraordinary breach of security’.

Whether we live in a castle or a modest terrace house, we all like to feel safe in our own homes. Whilst we don’t have a regiment of soldiers on guard, we do rely upon different organizations, including the police, to provide protection and security. However, security starts at the front door. As soon as we close it behind us and turn the key in the lock, we want to feel that we are safe.

The Bible, in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, presents a picture in just that way. The Lord Jesus said, ‘I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved’.[ii] Once we enter through that door, we are safe and secure.

Using the picture of the sheepfold, where the shepherd slept in the only entrance to protect his flock at night, the Lord Jesus added, ‘I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep’.[iii] The safety of the sheep was His chief concern, and He was prepared to go to the extremity of laying down His life to protect His own. Indeed, to provide salvation He did just that when He died at Calvary upon a Roman cross.

Wouldn’t it be good to be absolutely sure that we are safe and secure? I am not just talking about in our homes and in our lives. I am talking about the end of life and what happens then. Paul the apostle, wrote, ‘I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day’.[iv] What, or who, are you relying upon when you come to the end of life? What, or who, are you relying upon for heaven and blessing? Is it yourself and your ‘good life’ or ‘good works’? Is it your church or religious system and practices?

When Paul wrote ‘I know’ there was no doubt in his mind. He was certain. His conviction was not founded upon himself or some religious organization or practice. Those were things he had once trusted in, but he had rejected them all in favour of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He could say, ‘I know whom I have believed’. Do you? The only way to be sure is to enter by the door of the Lord Jesus and be saved.

[i] [ii] John chapter 10 verse 9, New King James Bible. [iii] Chapter 10 verse 11. [iv] 2 Timothy 1 verse 12.



Kirkby Gospel Hall

Kirkby Gospel Hall, Portland Street, Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 7AB

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