‘And she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn’.[1]
‘No room for them in the inn’ is saying: 1) THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR JESUS IN BUSINESS AT BETHLEHEM a. The great crowd had come to Bethlehem for paying taxes; the place was just too busy to accommodate the Saviour and Mary and Joseph. b. Earthly business is very important, but there was a greater business to be accomplished through Jesus’ birth: Jesus is more important than money; salvation is more important than sales; peace with God is more important than profit; eternity is more important than earnings. QUESTION: Is Jesus being crowded out of your business? 2) THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR JESUS IN THE HOMES OF BETHLEHEM a. The inn was also the innkeeper’s home – a very busy place; our homes have become busy too. b. We make room and time for community activities and entertainment, mobile phones, television, computers, radio, and newspapers, but not for Jesus. QUESTION: Is there room for Jesus in your home and in your heart? 3) THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR JESUS IN THE SOCIAL LIFE OF BETHLEHEM a. Friendships abound in the world, but in many cases, God is left out. b. Jesus came to be the Saviour of the world. In announcing His birth, the angel said, ‘For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord’.[2]
Make room for Jesus in your heart and have Him as a friend to be in all aspects of your life, including your business, home and social life.